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A Time for Thanks

Posted on: November 20th, 2012 by Naomi Binkley

The Thanksgiving holiday always inspires me to really reflect on my gratitude and the many things that I’m thankful for.  Spiritually, it is often said that abundance is attracted to gratitude.  I believe that.  It’s kind of like opportunities… two people may have the very same opportunity presented to them.  One may simply not see that open door and therefore, it quickly shuts.  It’s an opportunity missed.  While the one who is paying attention – who sees the open door where the other does not – embraces this opportunity and as result, new opportunities appear.  It’s not necessarily that the second person has more opportunities.  It’s that the second person is open to them.

And so it seems, the same is true of gratitude… the more grateful you are, the more you have to be thankful for.  I am one who looks for opportunity, appreciates the many gifts of the present and strives to be in a space of gratitude.  I also try to think of and champion those whose situations are different from my own and just need those doors to open.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for:

–        Family – I have more love in my life than I ever could have imagined possible and for that, I am immeasurably grateful!  I appreciate and love those who surround me now and those who’ve gone before us – for helping to shape me into the person I am today.

–        Stories – I am touched each and every day by the stories I am privileged to capture.  I learn from your experiences, and they inspire me to continually stretch and grow in my life journey.

–        Enough – Even when times have been tight, I have had just enough… enough food on the table, heat in my home, money for our needs and joy in my heart.

–        Education – I know how precious a good education is and I feel privileged to have achieved not only a university degree but to continue to learn in this great classroom called life.

Colorado Love!

–    My State – I am a very proud fifth-generation native of this state.  I am moved by the people, communities and history of Colorado.  Its beauty takes my breath away.  I consider it an honor to raise my family here, to own a business in Colorado and to contribute – in some small way – to the legacy of this place I call home.


Tom is grateful for:

Family and Nature

–      My Wife!
–      My Kids
–      Nature
–      Laughter
–      Opportunity
–      Oh, and Peyton Manning


Tammie is thankful for:


–      Family
–      Friends
–      Perseverance
–      Health
–      Freedom


Happy Thanksgiving from the entire Fireside Production team!

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