Client Story – Humana
Using Video To Tell Our Stories
By: Jim Turner, Director, Corporate Communications, Humana Inc.
As our friends at Fireside Production know, video is becoming increasingly important to organizations that want to do an effective job of telling stories. As YouTube continues to grow and technology better enables us to view videos on handheld devices, people expect you to have engaging videos when communicating about what you do and why it matters. One look at any newspaper website these days will tell you that even the (formerly) print world is embracing video.
At Humana, as we work together to inspire health and help people achieve lifelong well-being, we’re amazed by the great stories our members have to tell about their health journeys. In 2012, for instance, from the Humana Challenge PGA TOUR event Humana sponsors… to our Freewheelin program at the national political conventions… to our partnership with the nonprofit playground builder KaBOOM!… we were able to capture memorable stories of Humana members and nonmembers alike taking great strides to get themselves and their communities fit! Fireside has been there for us to capture and help us tell all of these stories, through video.
In 2013 and beyond, we know we must continue to find new ways to connect with our many stakeholders… and we know video has to be a big part of that. We can’t wait until our next project!