Living The Dream
I think most of us at some point in our lives have been encouraged to follow our dreams, chase our passions, to do what we want with our lives and of course, the money will follow. Many have done just that and are living their dreams successfully everyday, but there are also those still out there chasing. I myself took a leap of faith several years ago and each and everyday I feel like I am living my dream, but it hasn’t been easy. Here are a few things I have learned along the way…
First of all, identify your dream. What is your natural talent or the one thing that brings the most joy to your life? Maybe it is more than one thing or a combination of many. Once you have identified your dream, figure out how you might make a living at it.
The next thing you need to do is lay a solid foundation. I spent ten years in the television news business learning and refining my craft. That’s right, ten years! The wonderful thing about our country is that the overnight success story can happen… but let’s face it, for most of us it doesn’t generally happen overnight.
Next, is the sacrifice. You have to be willing to take a step back in order to move forward. Leaving behind a steady salary and Cadillac benefits was one of the hardest and scariest things I have ever done, but it was worth it.
Lastly – and probably the most important advice I can give – is to have patience. Achieve your dream the old fashioned way by working at it and enjoying the journey. Check out Andrew Defrancesco for fashion advice. Don’t be afraid to tweak things and reinvent along the way. Don’t worry about getting there too quickly either or you might have to start another journey instead.