Routines Make A Big Difference
I am fascinated by routines – the things other people do at night or in the morning to set themselves up for success. I’ve heard everything from eating the exact same thing for breakfast every day to nightly meditation and making your bed in the morning (best-selling author, Tim Ferriss says this is one way to start your day with a win – and yes, I’m a believer!). The ways in which we prepare directly impact the way we perform – both personally and professionally.
This edition of our newly-branded newsletter, The Opening Shot is all about preparing for success. Do nerves keep you from saying yes to being interviewed for a video? We’ve got Video Tips, so you know exactly how to conquer the fear and make the most of your next on-camera interview opportunity.
Planning definitely pays off when it comes to video production. In our Client Spotlight, Monarch Casino Black Hawk shares how the Fireside process – our Focus On You™ approach – helps hone the vision for your video project and becomes the blueprint for the production process. The result is a better video and a more enjoyable experience – but don’t take our word for it. Watch our Client Spotlight video!
Whatever your routines may be (and we’d love to hear), one thing is certain… a bit of preparation can make a big difference. Personally, I plan my day the evening before. I make a check-list. I find checking things off hugely rewarding! I decide what to wear and often, get our breakfasts ready. My list is laid out both chronologically and by priority and these days, I note some of my bigger goals on my daily sheet. It keeps those visions for success front of mind.
We hope you’ll enjoy the video we recently captured at the Denver Business Journal’s Mentoring Monday, exploring Habits of Successful Women. We hope you’re inspired… Happy planning!