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Behind The Scenes

Posted on: November 8th, 2011 by Tom McDonald

It has been a very exciting and busy year for us here at Fireside Production.  And with that, we have added some behind-the-scenes elements to allow us to even better serve our Clients.  A few of the highlights include a brand new edit station.  We recently added another MAC Pro workstation equipped with both Final Cut Studio and Adobe Premiere Creative Suite.  This mirrors our main edit station and is the third on-site suite.  We also have mobile editing capabilities as well on our MacBook Pro workstation.

Tom's New Toy

Another highlight is the addition of our second HD Camera.  In 2010, 80% of our projects were shot in Standard Definition.  This year, we have seen a complete turnaround and are shooting predominately in High Definition.

Lastly, we have added two back-drop stands complete with several different colored backgrounds.  These are great for onsite interviews to help add a certain feel or to provide a neutral setting.

There have been many other exciting additions, but we know all of the gear in the world  doesn’t necessarily equate to exceptional videos.  That is why the Fireside Production team works so hard each and every day to better ourselves at the craft we love…  telling memorable video stories.

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