The Shot List: Video Experience #2
Number 2 on my list of top five video experiences would by far be the number one selection if it wasn’t for my number one experience. That said, my number two video experience was also one of the greatest experiences of my life. For one who bleeds orange and blue and having suffered far too many times in the big show, watching the Broncos win Super Bowl XXXII from the sidelines was better than, well, many things. Okay, it was unbelievable!!
For this great opportunity I can thank my former news director in Grand Junction, Mona Dyer. She will always be in the Tom McDonald’s amazing people Hall of Fame. I was sent to San Diego with our Sports Director, Tom Oates. The two of us were no match in size to some of the Denver affiliates who sent upwards of thirty people, but we handled the assignment quite well.
I have captured many Broncos games from the sidelines and it is a real privilege to do so, but the Super Bowl is just out of control. There are so many other photographers on the sideline that you do not dare to move. I did once and it was not easy finding another spot.
The electricity is just hard to explain and concentrating on the job, especially in the last two minutes was definitely a challenge. When the final whistle blew, witnessing the emotion from the Broncos players first-hand was an experience that could only be topped by my number one experience… Stay tuned.