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Why Moments?

Posted on: November 15th, 2011 by Naomi Binkley

If you’ve taken a spin through our website or checked out our videos, you surely know that moments are very important here at Fireside Production.  Why Moments?  Moments take a video from predictable to exceptional.  A moment gives a video an extra element of authenticity.  You can’t script a true moment and they often happen in the most unexpected ways.  A moment, though, captured in a video and allowed to play out in full makes a piece memorable.

A question can often inspire a moment… it’s that pause when someone is overwhelmed with emotion or replies with pure enthusiasm.  When those moments happen, as a production team you need to be patient and let them develop fully.  I think that takes restraint.  Often too, a moment like that can only unfold in the most supportive of settings.  The participants in the video need to be able to trust their video production team and feel emotionally safe.

There are also the types of moments that are quite simply the genuine reaction to events taking place.  It’s the job of the videographer to capture those moments in the field and the producer to actually watch all of the raw footage, notice the moments and incorporate them into the produced script.  This piece Fireside Production created for Inter-Faith Community Services is a great example.

Tom was the videographer on this social networking video.  He does an extraordinary job of anticipating the action and then, capturing the reaction.  There’s even one clip where he’s in the middle of an impromptu interview and he reacts to someone walking by loaded up with school supplies.  It’s seamless and it allows you as the viewer to experience that day in all of its busy, excited, thankful glory.  That’s why moments make for video gold.

by Webolutions Digital Marketing Agency